A Scene #14: Over and Under

On Saturday December 15, 2018 at 14:20 CET I waited for a tram in southern direction, at tram stop Leuvehaven (51°54’55.625″N, 4°28’56.857″E), Rotterdam. I stepped into the first arriving tram. The tram crossed the river Maas over the Erasmus bridge. I got off the tram at the first stop on the other side of the river: Wilhelminaplein (51°54’26.72″N, 4°29’34.756″E).
I then entered the Metro station and waited at the platform for a metro train in Northern direction. I took the first arriving train, and crossed the river Maas through the tunnel. I left the train at the first stop: Leuvehaven.

About Scenes:
On this website and on Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future.
Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).