A Scene #5 (with Ienke Kastelein)

A Scene #5a (in cooperation with Ienke Kastelein)
On Saturday April 23, 2016 I was standing in front of a butcher’s shopwindow at Meent 67a (51.923001N 4.4839874E). In my left hand I had the dog leash, my dog sat next to me. In my right hand I carried a red shopping bag, full of groceries. At exactly 14:20 CET I noticed a woman leaving a shoe store at the opposite side of the street. I recognised her and called her name (Ienke). She looked in my direction, smiled, waved her left hand. I put down my bag and waved back. I watched her walking hastily in the direction of the Binnerotte. She turned right and got out of sight.

A Scene #5b (by Ienke Kastelein)
On Saturday April 23, 2016 I was at Pim Sneakers Store at Meent 50 (51.922859N 4.484160E) looking for a pair of red sneakers size 39 or 40. I wore a red coat and walked with a black cane. At exactly 14:20 CET I left the store. Someone called my name. When I looked around I saw a man with a dog standing in front of a butcher’s shop on the opposite side of the street. I recognised the man (Frans). I smiled and waved at him with my left hand. I continued walking hastily in the direction of the Binnerotte. I didn’t look back; I turned right to the Binnerotte and walked on.

About Scenes:
On this website and on Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future.
Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).