
On stones (March 2025)
A Day
(January 2025)
Real time (August 2024)
Blog De Verplaatsing
(May/June 2024)
Boucle (April 2024)
Someplace else (January 2024)
The Journey (3)
(June 2023)
The Journey (2)
(May 2023)
The Journey (1) (April 2023)
(January 2023)
Streams (October 2022)
In the light of the full moon  (July 2022)
The village (in and about)
(March 2022)
Both sides of the bridge (November 2021)
Watching waters flow (October 2021)
A street where no one speaks (August 2021)
– Land and water ~ (June 2021)
Alles gaat door (May 2021)
Spring (March 2021)

Texts and talks (free downloads):
Studio de Witt, an interview on RTV Dordrecht, by Ben Corino (in Dutch)
Onopgemerkte Kunst, an interview in, by Alex de Vries (in Dutch)
Plaats en Verplaatsing, a text in Jegens&Tevens about residencies (in Dutch) (2022)
Jennie Klein on Frans van Lent
: a text about the workshop On the border of Visibility
Flow Symposium, 2022. Out of Site Chicago.
Interview with Frans van Lent, by Margarida Oliveira for Umbigo Magazine
About A Scene #23: Acceleration, notes on how to plan a work
What Remains at DFBRL8R , a review by Mána Taylor Hjörleifsdóttir, Chicago IL
A Chair as Any Other, text performance at Arc Gallery, Chicago IL
Het relief van de stad, a report on a residency (in Dutch) (2019)
No Show for an Audience, interview by Maria Martens Serrano (2017)
Interview by Brainard Carey, Yale University Radio WYBCX, New York NY (2016)
The Unnoticed Art Festival #1,  translated interview by Domeniek Ruyters, MetropolisM (2015)
Het Festival voor Onopgemerkte Kunst, interview by Domeniek Ruyters in MetropolisM (2015)
De kunst van het opgaan in het dagelijks leven, text of Nathan Veldhuijsen, Picturablad (in Dutch) (2014),
Three Positions (2014)
Drie Posities (2014)
A Crossing in five stages by Lucette Ter Borg (2011)
Letzte Überprufung by Svenja Moor (2007)
Walks/Wandelingen by Gerrit Willems (2004)
Video interview Kerozine, Trom televisie (1994) (Dutch)

The book TPSGF (2019)
The book TheParallelShow (2018)
The book The Swap (2017)
The book Unnoticed Art (2014)
The book Crossing (2011)
The book LOOP (2004)
The book Frans van Lent, fotowerken 1992-1994 (1994)