
a project in collaboration with Susana Mendes Silva

Hangar, center for artistic research
Rua Damasceno Monteiro, Lisbon (P)
June 28, 2019

The project Mnemonics started with a suggestion of curator Filipa Oliveira to the artists to meet each other, since their activities and points of view seemed to have many overlaps. After a first meeting, they decided to work together
and the collaboration started with an exercise:

Two car journeys on two consecutive days. The two events had to be as much alike as possible. They had to take place at the same time, on the same route and with the same conversations as accurately as possible.

This exercise led them to the subject of the construction and deconstruction of personal memory. How can memories lead to a journey and how can a journey lead to memories?
The human mind as a fluidly changing field of encounters.

The performative presentation of the project took place at Hangar on June 28, 2019

photo © Mnemonics

photos © Nuno Barroso