Category Archives: Collaborations

The Second Night of Experimental Boredom
222lodge, Singel 222, 3311 KV Dordrecht (NL)
January 17, 2020, 20:00 PM
Free entrance

The Second Night of Experimental Boredom is not about boring art.
It is about boredom as a subject for art, boredom as a first step in the creative process.

The Second Night of Experimental Boredom is an initiative of Unnoticed Art and 222lodge.

The First Night of Experimental Boredom
Singel 222, 3311 KV Dordrecht (NL)

The First Night of Experimental Boredom took place on January 12, 2019, at Singel 222, Dordrecht, Netherlands. In the studio, throughout the building and in the city. The program started on in the studio and ended at a shop-window at By Branderhorst, Voorstraat 199 Dordrecht.

The program contained works of Andrew McNiven, David Sherry, Deirdre Macleod & William Mackaness, Duncan Poulton, Emilia Grzeczka, Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum, Frans van Lent, Greig Burgoyne, Guillaume Dufour Morin, Heinrich Obst, Ienke Kastelein, Jackson Moore, Jolanda Jansen, Joyce Overheul, Kayleigh Smetsers, Kristel Rigaud, Laura Gillmore, Manuela Porceddu, Marie Claire Gellings, Natalie Fyfe, Nico Parlevliet, Sandra Araújo, Topp & Dubio and Vonk.

The First Night of Experimental Boredom is an initiative of Unnoticed Art and 222lodge.

June 30 – July 1, 2018
TheParallelShow GrandeFinale
NP3 Groningen (NL), Geylight-Projects Brussels (BE), Pictura Dordrecht (NL)

30 June – 1 July, 10.00 – 17.00:
NP3, Hofstraat 21, Groningen (NL),
Greylight Projects, Rue de Brialmont 11, Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, Brussels (BE),
1 july, 20.00: public diner at Pictura, Voorstraat 190, Dordrecht (NL).

TheParallelShow GrandeFinale is a project for improvised performance. It will take place on Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July at two different locations: bur0 Gr0ningen, the white cube of NP3 in Groningen (NL) and the chapel of Greylight Projects in Brussels (BE).
The weekend will finally end with a performative public dinner at Pictura, Dordrecht (NL).

On Saturday 30 June at 10.00 two groups of performers will start working simultaneously in Groningen and in Brussels. The doors will be opened for visitors from 10.00 till 17.00.
While the performers are working a video will be recorded and streamed in real-time to the other location where it is projected on a wall. These projected video images ensure that there is a mixing of physically and virtually present performers and visitors.
After the doors closed, the two groups of performers will travel to the other locations to work there the second day during the same hours.

On Sunday at 17.00 all performers will leave for Dordrecht (about half way between Groningen and Brussels), where they are invited to a public dinner in Pictura at 20.00. Visitors are welcome to join the meal. During the dinner a performative conversation might take place.

Participating artists: Alexia Karavela (GR), Steef van Lent (DE), Mr & Mrs Gray (NL), ieke Trinks (NL), Emma Waltraud Howes (CA / DE), Andrew McNiven (UK), Marnik Neven (BE), Jolanda Jansen (NL), Elia Torrecilla (SP), Malou van Doormaal (NL) and Frans van Lent (NL).
The entire project will be documented in descriptive and / or contemplative texts by Sjoerd Westbroek (NL) and Michiel Huijben (NL). The dinner will be composed, prepared and presented by Marielle Verdijk (NL).

The project is kindly supported by the Municipality of Dordrecht and by the participating organisations.
All parts of the project are accessible free of charge.

TheParallelShow GrandeFinale is part of Unnoticed Art.

June 24 – June 25, 2016
Unnoticed Art Festival #2
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Performance ‘Attitude’ by Kees Koomen (2014)                                                                   photo: Nico Parlevliet

The Unnoticed Art Festival is a festival for unnoticed live art and took place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The Unnoticed Art Festival balances on the line between public and private. It shows artworks hiding in normality. The language, used to express the works, fits in the average social behaviour in public space and, because of that, remains unnoticed to bystanders.
Creating the concepts and executing the works are split. The artists sent their concepts more or less as manuals. In the festival the chosen works will be carried out by a group of volunteers.

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The Parallel Show is a series of impromptu performances, of occasional collaborations of performance art practitioners.
The Parallel Show takes place unexpectedly at and around public exhibitions at art venues.
The Parallel Show will not be announced, no invitations will be sent.
The Parallel Show is an initiative of the Unnoticed Art Festival


The Conceptbank Festival Package
In the spring and summer of 2015 TheConceptBank will be present at various festivals. Sometimes it will show up as officially invited participant, but most of the time it will be unnoticed as every other paying guest. At strategic spots on the terrain we will create a mobile office to share our performance concepts freely with the interested public. We have the aspiration to get as many works performed as possible. Continue reading

June 6, 2014

Some time after the successful  Unnoticed Art Festival we started up the preparations of a new initiative called is a platform to present new works of contemporary live-art in an original and innovative manner.
The bank is filled with concepts of many artists; these concepts are written as simple manuals. Visitors of the site are able to choose a concept and print it to carry out the work on a time and place of their choice.
After performing the work, the user is asked to send his/her written experiences which will then be forwarded to the artists. is a non-profit initiative, the use of the databank will be free for everybody. The concepts are licensed under Creative Commons.