Tag Archives: 2019

Het Binnenhuis

…ism project space, The Hague (NL)
March 14/15, 2019
19:00-23:00 h.

Het Binnenhuis (The Interior) is a transition zone between the public and the private,
a territory in which some spaces are closed and others are temporarily opened. 

In the performative installation Het Binnenhuis the spatial structure of a house is inhabited for two nights by 16 performers. The performers are not aiming at a theatrical spectacle but they are staying in an atmosphere of domestic reality, according to common rules for specific rooms. Their movements are by and large predefined, and worked out in improvisations.

During the two nights everybody was welcome. The visitors were asked not to behave as an audience, but as guests in a private home. They were part of the work and as such free to stay, within the limitations of the social context.
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Short-term memory

This morning we drove out to the fields.
We stepped out of the car and started to walk.
My camera was charged, and in it was an empty memory card.
I took photos of the scenery we walked through.
We walked for about an hour, then we sat down.

After a few minutes we walked back on the same route.
At every spot where I had earlier taken a photo,
I now deleted that specific photo.
When we arrived at the car park, the card was empty again.
We got in the car and drove away.

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