Tag Archives: 2020

A Scene

A Scene #32 – #1
On this website and on Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future.
Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).

A Scene #32: back and forth
30 October, 2021.
I am standing on a bridge over the Río Segura in Ojos (38° 08′ 58″ N 1° 20′ 22″ W), Spain.
At the same time, G. is standing on another bridge over the Río Segura, in Blanca (38° 10′ 46″ N 1° 22′ 41″ W), 7 km upstream. Our phones are on speakerphone and the volume is on maximum.

At 2.20 pm (CEST) I call G.
She picks up. We don’t speak a word, but keep the line open.
We point our phones down at the fast-flowing water under the bridges.
Ten minutes later, at 2.30 pm, we disconnect.

In collaboration with Giuli Grippo.

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for an hour
I walked with my camera
its size is 10 x 14 x 15 cm
its weight is 1.021 gr
I carried it in my hand.

Shared darkness

In collaboration with Manuela Macco

15 minutes
We are standing
at different locations
in shared darkness.

Biella, IT. – Dordrecht, NL.

After two try-outs (1 December, 4 January),
we carry out the work every first night of six consecutive months,
from 12:00 a.m. till 12:15 a.m. (USC+1), starting March 1, 2021.

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Standing for two minutes at the crossing of two streets in Dordrecht, Netherlands.
June 29, 3:00 a.m.

4K-video, sound, 02’01 min.