Chai with Guillaume
14 November, 2018

Part of the project
When Words Become Situations
curator : Guillaume Dufour Morin.
Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale II,
Morni Hills (Badisher), Haryana, India.

I was invited to create a work for the curatorial program When Words Become Situations
In the framework of the Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale II. 
I invited the responsible curator Guillaume Dufour Morin to join me for dinner.
He then invited me to have tea with him first. I used the same recipe.

-Turkish tea
-crushed ginger
-little black peppers
-cow milk
-boiling water

Steps :
Put water in a pan, with pinch black pepper and crushed ginger.
After two minutes, put little sugar
After three minutes, put the turkish tea
Let the water boil for three minutes and then add milk and then let it boil for another four minutes on slow heat. The tea is ready for drink (usually served in steinless steel small glasses)

Photos: B Ajay Sharma & Frans Van Lent