Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives
Toussaintkade 55, Den Haag (NL)
20 September – 6 October, 2019
Opening: 20 September, 19:00

The shortest connection between two points is a straight line. If there are more points, it becomes a web. Some connections are used intensively, others remain in the periphery.
With the MÊKH-WEB-exhibition, EX-MÊKH will map the network, built in 13 years.

An exhibition with work by EX-MÊKH (Ellen Rodenberg, Maarten Schepers, Kees Koomen) and guest artists Marian Wijnvoord, Niels Post and Frans van Lent.

During the exhibition I will perform every day at unannounced moments.

Opened: Fri, Sat, Sun: 1pm-5pm
Fri. 27 Sept.: 1pm-5pm and 7pm-11pm.