Category Archives: Mailing

Printing Plant Art Book Fair
My books Unnoticed Art and TheParallelShow
will be on show at the table of Jap Sam Books.
On Sunday 25 November, 19:00 – 19:30
I will read from the book TheParallelShow.
Looiersgracht 60, 1016 VT Amsterdam (NL).
You are very welcome at the occasion.


Open Performance Academy | Art Science Hunger
8 November 2018, 19:30
Presentation at Worm-Ubik,
Boomgaardsstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam (NL).

Leaving no traces
I will talk about not making but doing, the work as a passing experience. Starting with the Unnoticed Art Festival in 2014 my work became less and less material. It is sometimes documented by video but is often just the textual description of an incident, leaving the reader with nothing more than the awareness of its history. In some other occasions the only left-over is the original score of the work, ready to be executed by just anyone else.
The presentation will be about the principle of leaving a minimal number of traces. In relation to that I will also tell something about TheConceptBank as a starting point for a performative attitude.

In the same occasion there will also be presentations by Chantell Hassan, Mette Sterre and Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink.
In the continuation of this series, on Thursday 22 November, I will do a second presentation and in the Final Night, on 8 December, I will do a performance. More information will soon appear on my website.


Grote Portretten Galerij
Pictura, Voorstraat 190, 3311 BC Dordrecht (NL)
18 November – 16 December, 2018

The Grote Portretten Galerij is a show of 100 portraits of inhabitants of the city of Dordrecht.
My work Susanne de Haas in Pictura will be part of it.
You are cordially invited at the opening on Sunday 18 November at 17:00.


Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale
29 October – 30 November, 2018
hosted by Healing Hill Art Space – HHAS
Badisher, Morni Hills,
Panchkula, Haryana, India

My work will be part of the festival and will be executed by the Canadian artist/curator
Guillaume Dufour Morin.
A report of this occasion will soon be available on this website.

Follow me on:


Recently I published a new video work: over the sea.
It was made in cooperation with Andrew McNiven (host and co-performer) and Joseph Flower (camera).
The video was shot on the 31st of May at St Abb’s Head in Scotland.

TheParallelShow GrandeFinale
30 June – 1 July, 10.00 – 17.00:
NP3, Hofstraat 21, Groningen (NL),
Greylight Projects, Rue de Brialmont 11, Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, Brussels (BE),
1 july, 20.00: public diner at Pictura, Voorstraat 190, Dordrecht (NL).

TheParallelShow GrandeFinale is a project for improvised performance. It will take place on Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July at two different locations: bur0 Gr0ningen, the white cube of NP3 in Groningen (NL) and the chapel of Greylight Projects in Brussels (BE).
The weekend will finally end with a performative public dinner at Pictura, Dordrecht (NL).

On Saturday 30 June at 10.00 two groups of performers will start working simultaneously in Groningen and in Brussels. The doors will be opened for visitors from 10.00 till 17.00.
While the performers are working a video will be recorded and streamed in real-time to the other location where it is projected on a wall. These projected video images ensure that there is a mixing of physically and virtually present performers and visitors.
After the doors closed, the two groups of performers will travel to the other locations to work there the second day during the same hours.

On Sunday at 17.00 all performers will leave for Dordrecht (about half way between Groningen and Brussels), where they are invited to a public dinner in Pictura at 20.00. Visitors are welcome to join the meal. During the dinner a performative conversation might take place.

Participating artists: Alexia Karavela (GR), Steef van Lent (DE), Mr & Mrs Gray (NL), ieke Trinks (NL), Emma Waltraud Howes (CA / DE), Andrew McNiven (UK), Marnik Neven (BE), Jolanda Jansen (NL), Elia Torrecilla (SP), Malou van Doormaal (NL) and Frans van Lent (NL).
The entire project will be documented in descriptive and / or contemplative texts by Sjoerd Westbroek (NL) and Michiel Huijben (NL). The dinner will be composed, prepared and presented by Marielle Verdijk (NL).

The project is kindly supported by the Municipality of Dordrecht and by the participating organisations.
All parts of the project are accessible free of charge.

TheParallelShow GrandeFinale is part of Unnoticed Art.
For more information:!

Het boek / the book

Photo © Andrew McNiven

TheParallelShow was een experimentele reeks samenwerkingen van performance kunstenaars.
Het boek TheParallelShow concentreert zich op de verslagen van de dertig kunstenaars die, tussen juli 2015 en januari 2017, deelnamen aan deze tien gebeurtenissen in (oa) Tate Britain (Londen), Stasi Museum (Berlijn), het Apollo-heiligdom (Delphi ) en de Met-Cloisters (New York).

Verder bevat het boek een correspondentie tussen Andrew McNiven en Lisa Skuret en tussen Ieke Trinks en Frans van Lent
en een kort essay van Henk Overdevest over de ambigue relatie van het persoonlijke verslag met de feitelijke show.
TheParallelShow is een initiatief van Frans van Lent en het Unnoticed Art Festival.

TheParallelShow was an experimental series of collaborations of performance art practitioners.
The book TheParallelShow focuses on the reports by the thirty participating artists who, between July 2015 and January 2017, took part in ten occasions in (a.o.) Tate Britain (London), Stasi Museum (Berlin), the Apollo Sanctuary (Delphi) and the Met-Cloisters (New York).
Furthermore, the book contains a correspondence between Andrew McNiven and Lisa Skuret and between Ieke Trinks and Frans van Lent
and a short essay by Henk Overdevest about the ambigious relations of the personal reports with the actual shows.
TheParallelShow is an initiative of Frans van Lent and the Unnoticed Art Festival.

Inhoud / content:
104 pagina’s / 104 pages,
Tekst in het Engels / texts in English
Omslag / cover: 300 grs,
Pagina’s / pages: 104 (135 grs),
Afmeting / size: 13 X 20 cm,
Appendix / appendix: 12 pag. Illustr / 12 pp Illustr,
Prijs / price: €19,50

Oplage / edition: 300
ISBN/EAN: 978-94-90322-96-0
Uitgever / publisher: Jap Sam Books
© 2018

Ik wil dit boek kopen / I want to buy this book:

(klik hier voor Nederlands)
Urban Emptiness Nicosia
December 1-December 16, 2017
A Performative Walk

A performative walk as the base, as the method and as the outcome of a group-creation.
The walk as a composition stretched in space and stretched out in time.
The work will be developed and will be fine-tuned by a group through a process of repetition of walking the same route, over and over again.
All aspects of this walk will be decided on the base of improvisation, of deliberation and by mutual agreement.

A Performative Walk (Frans van Lent) takes place from December 2 to December 6,
every day from 18:00 to 19:00. It starts at Municipal Market, Nicosia (CY).

December 9, 2017
Churches No.1
music and performance in the Trinitatiskapel
with DOOXS, Ieke Trinks, Boys, wbdjdyatmvezdmnekzawvb,
Crying Boys Cafe, Maask and Frans van Lent.

Vriesestraat 20-22, Dordrecht (NL)
free entrance, doors open: 19:00,
Churches No1 is a cooperation between Bibelot and Dordrechts Museum.

till December 17, 2017
Salon der Leden

Voorstraat 190
The Netherlands
Open: Wed – Sun: 13.00-17.00

Due to technical reasons the announced presentation
of the book TheParallelShow has been postponed.
I will keep you informed about new dates and places.

(click here for English)
Urban Emptiness Nicosia
1 December-16 December, 2017
A Performative Walk

De Performatieve Wandeling als een compositie in ruimte en in tijd.
De wandeling als startpunt, als methode en als uitkomst van een groepsproces.

Het werk zal in vijf dagen worden ontwikkeld en uitgewerkt door een groep deelnemers
door middel van het keer op keer lopen van dezelfde route.
Over details wordt besloten op basis van improvisatie, onderling overleg en overeenstemming.

A Performative Walk (Frans van Lent) vindt plaats van 2 tot 6 December, elke dag van 18:00 tot 19:00 uur. De wandeling start en eindigt in de gemeentelijke markthal van Nicosia (Cyprus).

9 December, 2017
Churches No.1
muziek en performance in de Trinitatiskapel
met DOOXS, Ieke Trinks, Boys, wbdjdyatmvezdmnekzawvb,
Crying Boys Cafe, Maask en Frans van Lent.

Vriesestraat 20-22, Dordrecht.
vrij toegang, deur open: 19:00 uur
Churches No1 is een samenwerking van Bibelot en Dordrechts Museum.

tot 17 December, 2017
Salon der Leden

Voorstraat 190
Open: Woensdag – zondag: 13.00-17.00 uur

Door vertraging in het productieproces
is de presentatie van het boek TheParallelShow
enige tijd uitgesteld.
Ik houd u op de hoogte van data en plaatsen.

Click here for English

Nieuw werk: alles gaat door



Vieuws on Landscapes
groepstentoonstelling met Lynn Leegte, Bas Ketelaars and Lon Robbé
Reuten Galerie, Prinsengracht 510, Amsterdam (NL)
Tot 26 November, 2017.

Urban Emptiness Network
performance project/workshop: A Performative Walk
Festival for media, silence and walking in the urban space,
Dance House, Parthenonos 25/ Agora Agiou Andrea, Nicosia (CY)
1 December – 10 December, 2017.

kann weg
groepstentoonstelling Vestische Künstlerbund
Kutscherhaus Recklinghausen
Willy-Brandt-Park 5, Recklinghausen (DE).
Tot 26 November 26, 2017.

Salon de Leden
Voorstraat 190, Dordrecht (NL).
5 November – 17 December, 2017
Opening: 4 November, 17.00 uur.

T H E  S W A P

het boek

Klik hier om de video te zien!
U kunt hier het boek kopen!

B O E K P R E S E N T A T I E  E N  P E R F O R M A N C E

U bent van harte uitgenodigd voor de presentatie van
het boek The Swap in Pictura
op zondag 22 oktober om 15:00 uur. 

Dit boek The Swap documenteert de gelijknamige installatie
die eerder dit jaar in Pictura werd geëxposeerd.

Het boek wordt uitgebracht in een genummerde oplage
van 100 exemplaren.
U kunt zelf een eigen nummer uitkiezen.
Indien gewenst wordt uw boek ter plaatse
van een zwart geïnkte duimafdruk voorzien.

Ter gelegenheid van de presentatie vindt gelijktijdig
van 15:00 tot 16:00 uur het werk Aandacht plaats.

Aandacht is een performance, uitgevoerd door drie personen,
in de directe omgeving van het Pictura gebouw.
De performance kan het beste vanuit de foyer worden waargenomen.

Voorstraat 190-192

Frans van Lent

Newsletter June 2017

Apprentice Master exhibition #19:
In closeness of matter
Till 11 juni 2017 at TACVonderweg 1, Eindhoven (NL).

Friday June 16,
A Scene #8, in cooperation with Johanna van Overmeir.
On Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future. Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).

A  Scene #8A
On Friday June 16, 2017 I will travel from Dordrecht to Breda by train. At exactly 14:20 CET I will enter the T-Huis, John F. Kennedylaan 15, Breda, (51.59127340000001 4.78122350000001). I will take a seat and order a mint tea and a piece of applepie. I will read my newspaper, drink my tea, eat my pie. At 15:00 I will ask for the bill and pay the waiter. I will then fold my newspaper and walk into the park.

A Scene #8B (by Johanna van Overmeir)
On Friday June 16, 2017 I’ll travel from Antwerp to Breda by train. At exactly 14:20 CET I’ll enter the T-Huis, John F. Kennedylaan 15, Breda, (51.59127340000001 4.78122350000001). I’ll take a seat, order a coffee, a glass of tap water and a piece of cake. I’ll draw in my sketchbook, look at the park, drink my coffee, eat my pie and drink my water. At 3PM I’ll ask the bill and pay the waiter. I’ll close my sketchbook, go to the restroom and walk into the park.

Friday July 21,
Call Again

On Friday 21 July 2017 I will be walking somewhere in the South of France. Call me between 13.00 and 14.00 (CEST). I will not answer your call but instead I will make a photo of what I am looking at on that specific moment. I will then send this photo to the number that showed up on my phone. To you.
My telephone number is:

May 14 was the final day of the installation The Swap in Pictura, Dordrecht.

This summer I will publish a small photo book of the installation. It will cost € 15,-.
The edition will be a 100 copies and every copy will be numbered and signed.
You are of course welcome to choose your own preferred number (if available).
If you want to be notified at the moment of publication, please let me know.

The end of 2017 the book The ParallelShow will be published.
The book is about the now finished project that took place in 2016/2017 in museums and art venues in Rotterdam, London, Valencia, Delphi, Berlin, New York, Leuven, Leiden and Dordrecht.
It will contain articles of the 32 joining artists, photos and some mail-conversations about the core of the project.
When you are interested in this book please let me know and I will keep you informed.

The projects The Swap and The ParallelShow were kindly supported by the City of Dordrecht.