Category Archives: Collaborations

The Drift
November 21 2014,
Singel 222, Dordrecht, Netherlands.


The drift is a populist curatorial concept.
We asked artists all over the world to submit a video work, àny video work.
We did not intend to make a choice on the basis of our personal preferences or a premeditated subject, we simply accepted the main stream of submissions. That main stream led us through the project of selection.
We follow the drift and we will see where it brings us.

By the sweat of your brow..
House of the verger, Museumstraat 65, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
June 7, 2014

© The Unstitute

Together with God also the verger disappeared, but his house still breathes the traces of a subservient existence.
With performances and video 14 artists show what binds man to the earth.

By the sweat of your brow.. is a presentation within the framework of the Urban Explorers Festival 2014

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May 17 – May 18, 2014
Unnoticed Art Festival
Haarlem, Netherlands,

© Theun Okkerse

The Unnoticed Art Festival is a festival for unnoticed live art and took place in an undisclosed Dutch city. The Unnoticed Art Festival balanced on the line between public and private. It showed artworks hiding in normality. The language, used to express the works, fit in the average social behaviour in public space and, because of that, remained unnoticed to bystanders.
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Inside Stories
Private home, Dordrecht, the Netherlands,
june 2013

During “Urban Explorers Festival 2013” Inside Stories was set within the walls of a private home, behind closed curtains, hidden from prying eyes of the street. The occupant was absent but her personality was perceptible in all objects. In the rooms six artists showed works about worlds behind the frontdoor.

© Reynold Reynolds/Patrick Jolley (USA) : Burn (2002)
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Street Level
The basements of Het Hof, Dordrecht, the Netherlands,
June 2012

Within the framework of the “Urban Explorers Festival 2012” Street Level showed five very different video works that have one thing in common: they are about human movement on the streets. Each from a very different approach.

Photo © Frans van Lent, video Dirk Hendrikx: Who is afraid of a work of Aard (2012)
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38CC, 13 Hooikade, Delft, the Netherlands
July, 2010


Visual art producing sound, discussing sound, or even being sound itself. Breakers, an exhibition project looking for similiarities: a project in which the image speaks of sound, and sound feels like an image.Breakers presents several artists balancing this field, who prefer to think outside the boundaries of a medium. The participating artists approach these borders of sound and image each in their own and differentiating way, from formal and analytic, to expressive and narrative.
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