Tag Archives: 2019

A Scene

A Scene #32 – #1
On this website and on Facebook I announce small events that will take place at a certain location and at a certain moment in the near future.
Everybody is invited to be at the exact spot at the exact time to contribute to the scene with his/her own simultaneous activity (or inactivity).

A Scene #32: back and forth
30 October, 2021.
I am standing on a bridge over the Río Segura in Ojos (38° 08′ 58″ N 1° 20′ 22″ W), Spain.
At the same time, G. is standing on another bridge over the Río Segura, in Blanca (38° 10′ 46″ N 1° 22′ 41″ W), 7 km upstream. Our phones are on speakerphone and the volume is on maximum.

At 2.20 pm (CEST) I call G.
She picks up. We don’t speak a word, but keep the line open.
We point our phones down at the fast-flowing water under the bridges.
Ten minutes later, at 2.30 pm, we disconnect.

In collaboration with Giuli Grippo.

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At the start of the performance, the attendees are asked not to take any photos or videos.

A square of 200 cm by 200 cm is plotted on the wall with masking tape. The enclosed space is then painted with the same whitewash the walls were previously painted with. When the painting is finished, the masking tape is removed and the floor is cleaned of any spilled paint.
It is still possible to distinguish the square, but as the paint dries, the square will fade and merge with its surroundings.
The attendees leave when all traces have disappeared.

Pain location

Maumont, July 2019

Thirty days in a row I walk the same route through the village.
Every time I approach one specific location, I try to imagine a headache.
After passing that location, the headache should fade away. Continue reading

De Nacht

Voorstraat 190, Dordrecht (NL)
September 14 – October 20, 2019

The performance De Nacht (The Night) is not an imagination of the night, it is the night itself. The group exhibition De Salon in Pictura was visited at midnight, in darkness. The exhibited art lost its stories, turned into silent dark objects, into silhouettes.

The front door was opened every Sunday night at exactly 00:00. Whoever was waiting outside was invited to come in. The door then closed again.
The exhibition was visited in silence.  Continue reading


Hof (start), Dordrecht, Netherlands
1 September, 2019 ~

The work Synchronize consists of a walking route and an mp3 file.
While walking the route you need to wear headphones or earphones to listen to the mp3. Follow the walk as carried out earlier, and synchronize with the sound of the walking feet.
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